Monday, November 8, 2010

painting time

ok so i decided to redo this sheet from tats thomas. out of a book of traditional tattoos called "vintage tattoos :the book of old school skin art". pretty good book you should pick up a copy. there is a lot of good reference and history in it.

ok so anyways here we go. i started by mapping everything out on a piece of tracing paper. making sure it will all fit on an 11"x14" sheet of water color paper.
next lined it all out on the paper. most boring part of painting for me is lining it all out. after drawing the designs 5 or 6 times already it gets old.
 but i got thru it. not with out a little piss and moaning along the way. then i painted out the back ground with the red. turned out a little splotchy but ill fix that at the end.
next comes the black! bring on the BLACK!
 then the color. painting this one was fairly easy because of the minimal color pallet. anyways here the final product.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

painting time

so this one didn't come out as planned. but like Craig's dad said in friday you win some and you lose some, but you live, you live to fight another day.

so heres the first almost finished sheet in my first solo flash set. just have to add some lettering in some spots then it'll be done
and heres 2 more from the next sheet. sneak peek!

starting a big one also. i seem to have a lot of irons in the fire at all times. and i'm always wondering why i'm feeling like i am not getting anything done. maybe its because i continue to pile more stuff on top of the stuff that hasn't been completed yet

new shit!

 this was a fun one to do. right up my alley. we had been messaging back and forth while he was in Afghanistan about the design. after he got back to the states we started working on it. this is session number 2. still have one more tightening up session to go. wish more people would get this stuff. hint hint

 this guy had a pretty brutal story. He fought in Vietnam and was wounded and needed a blood transfusion, well turned out that the blood he got had hepatitis in it. so not only did he get wounded fighting for his country he also contracted a life long illness to boot. 

started this piece on a skater kid thats sponsored by so and so. i have no clue don't really remember but the tattoo was fun either way.

Friday, September 3, 2010


HELL CITY (aka) Phoenix
got some new cards made for the convention and some stickers oh yeah and 2 shirt designs also.

new shirts $20 bucks a pop get at me if you want one.


and for some reason the new times thought my name was lex. i guess i should have moved that damn shirt over just a few more inches

well it only took 2 years but its finally done.

this one was a combined effort with myself and eric van dyk

this one is on the old shop girl. gift is poison in german

did this one on my girlfriends dad. we will be adding background in the future.

process of a mad man

ok well i took a series of pictures while i was painting this one to show the process of my paintings.

then after all this i fucked it up and just gave it away to a fellow tattooer.
oh well live and learn!
better luck next time i guess

some new ish

butterfly gypsy is complete!

finished up the tribute piece for nate the lead singer of the whoopsie daisies dad. SPIKE! how bad ass is that name? if your into alternative indie music then you should really check them out.

this was a tribute piece to this guys mom. the characters in the banner is his mothers name. this is a healed picture. he sat really well for his first tattoo. especially for the place he got it

finally got ahold of mike to come back in so i could get a healed picture of this one. this was a really fun tattoo to do. i wish more people would come in for stuff like this.

finished up the mitchell family crest. 4 sessions deep on this one. dude sat like a champ. we had one more session after this one to do the family mato  in the banners and a few touch ups. and now we are working on a coverup for his forearm with a cobra. cant wait.

so i started tattooing this guys girl friend and in turn have now started tattooing him. he brought me a picture of a compass rose and a few other ideas. so i drew this up for him. and shazamm! there you have it.

did this painting for the mike devries skull book called "cranial visions". this was pretty fun to paint cause i just painted and didnt worry about staying in the lines or anything like that. pretty relaxing from my usual painting.

been awhile

so i haven't really posted much as of late. been super busy this past month. just got back from hellcity tattoo convention back in my home state of AZ. so anyways here is some of the stuff i have been working on and a few pics of the trips ive been on recently. hope you enjoy.

got anothersession done on the evil sugar skull piece. one more to go and then its moving on to the lower arm. where ill be doing another evil sugar skull with a somberro and playing a trumpet.

hes back. came back in for a healed pic. that yellow stayed bright as hell. bling bling

finished up the indian princess on my beautiful girlfriend. she made it all the way thru it.

heres a few pix from our trip to san cruz. where i got tattooed by edu cerro. we flew into san jose and then drove to san francisco and hung out there for the day. we also went to the Monterey bay aquarium. awesome trip.