Monday, November 8, 2010

painting time

ok so i decided to redo this sheet from tats thomas. out of a book of traditional tattoos called "vintage tattoos :the book of old school skin art". pretty good book you should pick up a copy. there is a lot of good reference and history in it.

ok so anyways here we go. i started by mapping everything out on a piece of tracing paper. making sure it will all fit on an 11"x14" sheet of water color paper.
next lined it all out on the paper. most boring part of painting for me is lining it all out. after drawing the designs 5 or 6 times already it gets old.
 but i got thru it. not with out a little piss and moaning along the way. then i painted out the back ground with the red. turned out a little splotchy but ill fix that at the end.
next comes the black! bring on the BLACK!
 then the color. painting this one was fairly easy because of the minimal color pallet. anyways here the final product.